3.5 hours on the train. Newcastle to Carlisle to Glasgow Central to Ayr. Had to try and relieve the back pain with a wander to the beach. The plinth was so worn I couldn’t make out who this is
Whatever this building was, it’s now part of a kids play area
The shore is very nice
St John’s Tower was temporarily closed unfortunately
Brew and snack at one the most stunning Wetherspoons I’ve seen
There was a time that the only place one could pour a draft of Belhaven in the entire state of Massachusetts was my living room. I had a keg refrigerator. The price shocked me! Added a slice of haggis & Black pudding for another £1.40
Wallace Tower
A friend suggested I try the Tam. Great looking pub but the 2 men I sat with were both Trump supporting Yoons who got their information not from MSM but the internet, so it was 1 & out. But before I left they suggested that there was live music just up the street at the Twa Dugs.
More videos on William Blackwell YouTube channel
They do play on the name here

Reminiscence At The Fish Cross commemorates the end of the fishing industry in Ayr as the fleet moved to Troon
Judging by the flotsam, the river tide must be huge
Loudoun Hall, Ayr built in 1666, it is now Ayr’s oldest house
Doesn’t look too comfy
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