Back in Manchester

by WBlackwell on November 4, 2017

This time I stayed in Weaste, just outside the city.  My hotel, Trivelles, was very  inexpensive (£30/$40/night), newly renovated and clean and about  100 meters to the tram stop with both microwave and fridge in the ensuite room. Eccles was a 10 minute tram ride where there were pubs a Morrison’s, Rail station and even a Wetherspoons and bus station.

Having spent a few days in Manchester earlier this year and being tired after all the walking around the Isle of Man, I proceeded to use the all day tram ticket to see the city from a different angle.

On Friday, my friend James Kerr, whom I had met last time when he commented on my tee shirt and later invited me to join him and a few of his mates for pints took me to lunch,

James wanted someplace special and I was very pleased with his choice Sam’s Chop Shop.  We both chose the mince pie with peas and a local pint.

Although this guy was a bore.

It was a good 2 hours and I enjoyed the conversation and that I have some real, not just FaceBook, friends in the City of Manchester.  After lunch James mentioned that he still loved the shirt so I gave it to him with his assurance I can borrow it next time I’m back.  Which I will hold him to!

I walked around Piccadilly Gardens after leaving James.

I have to think that there are more statues of Queen Victoria in Britain than anyone else.

Although the Duke shows up quite a lot.

And for some reason, this guy looks steamed!!

The next day I decided that my old phone had had it and needed an upgrade, not an iPhone 8 pr X upgrade but a 7Plus.  A little big but a much better camera and battery. I got $85/£65 for the old 5 and hopefully will be able to get back my VAT too. The Apple store in Trafford Centre was were I headed where I briefly saw my friend Carlos Garcia who manages the Vodephone store there.  Unfortunately our schedules were such that we weren’t able to get together for any significant time this visit.

This mall is insanely huge. There are stores inside that are bigger than malls I’ve seen in the States.  It is so big it has 16 bus stands outside.

I few Saturdays before Christmas it was packed.  The women were dressed to the nine’s and their men were buff.  But I was seriously overwhelmed as I’m not a mall guy.


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