Don’t waste a nice day

by WBlackwell on July 4, 2017

If one experiences a sunny day in the Highlands or Scotland or Britain for that matter and doesn’t take advantage thinking to do so tomorrow you might be making an error as weather presenters here are no better than NE. Tomorrow’s weather  might disregard the forecast. So once I had downed a pint of Plockton Ale Ring Tong, a strong (5.7) IPA, I went for a walk. Duncan is tending. His dad is the head of the music school and will be playing later that night.

At the end of the road by the harbor there is a large private residence that has provided public access via some well marked walks, Jimmy’s in one direction and Ian’s in the other.  I go there every visit to see the changes.  Since the last time was last New Year’s the difference was literally winter to summer. The palm trees which Plockton is famous for are actually cabbage trees native to New Zealand and dot the coast and many yards and gardens

Duncraig Castle across the harbor is actually a private residence built in castle style years ago and whilst the snake I saw in Ardnamurchan years ago was a poisonous adder, thin poor fella was simply squished.

Great Gunnera is not a Batman expression but rather one of Britain’s most dramatic plants with a seed pod nearly a meter long.  I placed my iPhone on a leaf to give scale in the right photo.

On the way along Jimmy’s Walk there is a great artificial pond like the one I used to have in Wareham but much bigger.

And when this viewing platform is finished it will be a great place for that all-elusive quite contemplation.

And I nearly missed this Monkey Puzzle tree wiht’s hard and sharp leaves.

A thoughtfully provided bench allows for just sitting and seeing on a sparkyly day.

And to get through Ian’s Walk you pass through landscape that begs  Middle Earth

This pond is natural

And your reward is rewarding

Back in the village the houses along the harbor street have gardens between the road and the shore.

I commented to the woman tending one garden about her efforts were being paid off.  As we discussed the various fruits of her labors she pointed out one very stunning flower, Eryngium Bourgatii or Blue Thistle

So now back to rest up before joining the 5 o’clock gang at the Inn and find out where the 4th of July Independence Day party will be! Oh. Right. Ah, never mind.


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