“Future’s so bright I gotta wear shades!” So off to Edinburgh once more. Everybody is in such great spirits with the sun shining, no rain and a mild breeze. Lots of shorts, sandals and sunglasses.
First stop one of the most eclectic and fun museums I know. I came here 4 years ago and knew a revisit was in order. Next year too since they are doing some major new exhibits.I didn’t see Dolly the sheep, Jim Watts invention nor the Lewis chessmen, but so much more has been added.
Let’s start at the beginning again, the grand hallway/atrium.
I find it is best to start at the first floor and work your way up to the roof. A few of the notables.

Sperm Whale

Stevenson Lighthouse Light

MacFarland Collection water fountain

Millennium Clock
Google it. Too much to explain but very cool.

Millenium Clock

Millennium Clock Base

Newcome Atmospheric Engine
Google this one too. Very interesting concept using steam & pulleys
As you move through the museum there are exhibits on the geological creation of Scotland, the famous moments in culture, war, sports etc

The Maiden 1564

Mary Queen of Scots replica sarcophagus
Animals of the world

Sea Cow

Minke Whale

Then up to the roof to enjoy the day

Arthur’s Seat overlooking Salisbury Crag
So much to see I offer a mere glimpse
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