As you may recall I was due a haircut. When I saw that part of Victoria Station had been made a mall, I figured I’d find a good stylist there. I don’t mean anything negative here but, the TV show ‘Queer Eye for the Straight Guy’ was a big hit in the states at the time and I had a very specific image in my mind of a fun stylist. So walking into the Mall the first shop I see is a Pizza Hut and next to it a SuperCuts which happens to be who I used back home. At least I knew there would be no doubt that the cut would be good. The black man in the fishnet shirt who sashayed (the ONLY word to describe his walk) indicated that I had my dream salon. One of the things I like about the UK is the melting pot aspect. The US claims to be one, but I think the UK is more so. The stylist who washed my shoulder length hair and would soon cut it was asian with very little english skills and the third was Latino. Great mix. And I’m the only male customer. Sitting in the chair I did my best to make my stylist understand what I wanted done but I guess the concept was so drastic he couldn’t grok it. I pulled my hair into a tight queue and made scissor motions with my fingers whilst we looked at each other in the mirror. Finally the other two stylist came over and the guy in the fishnet asked if I wanted the pony cut off. “I want all the hair 1 inch long”, I said. My cutter got it now. This is where I wish I had a video as after tying the hair up tight and with one final OK from me and with the entire shop dead quite and watching he did the deed. And then shot his hand with the tail into the air and gave out what can only be described as a whahoop! The place went hysterical. It was absolutely brilliant and I could not have ended the trip any better. Arrive with hair like Duncan McLeod and leave looking like Golly the Gillie.
I had fun, learned a lot and know I’ll be back many more times. Cheers.

Sporting the new ‘do back home with some mintini’s
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