Plockton to Balloch

by WBlackwell on May 23, 2015

The train left Plockton a little after noon for Inverness. It then heads to Glasgow via Perth with a transfer at Glasgow Queen Street station to Balloch.  About 7 hours.

You can’t get  much better tour of Scotland than by the train. Quieter than I expected, fast and the scenery is all one could ask for. Since it is a moving train, individual photos of such as hen harriers, otters and deer can not be captured but were plenty for the eye to see.

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On an unrelated travel tip note: A change purse is very helpful in the UK as their smallest paper currency is the £5 note anything less £2 & £1, £.5, £.2 etc are long lasting coins and they tend to fall from pockets if held loose.

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