Saw my first brown, not black, headed gull awaiting the bus to Riga
Parna, Estonia is a salt marshed seaside town with redevelopment possibilities
The 300km/ 290m route between Tallin and Riga is, excepting near the cities is the longest stretch of green I’ve seen in years. What isn’t wheat, hay, rapeseed is dense forest. Tons white birch but most prominent is a mast straight pine. Bark lighter higher up ? New growth or shed. To my unexpert eyes they look like Scots Pines! As we approached the city it looked like a massive shopping mall
The Lux Express (with most of the highways one lane each direction express is a wee exaggeration 😂) is the most up to date a bus good be
€5.6! And if I had a wee bit of white & blue paint, the table would be improved
Talk about an accident waiting to happen! Ankle breaker stepping from pub deck!
Gentleman asked to sit. Scot living ages in Bulgaria. It soon came out that we both know the some of the same people in Plockton, Scottish highlands!
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