The Roman Baths are a well-preserved thermae in the city of Bath, Somerset England. A temple was constructed on the site between 60-70CE in the first few decades of Roman Britain. Its presence led to the development of the small Roman urban settlement known as Aquae Sulis around the site. The Roman baths, which were used for public bathing, were used until the end of Roman rule in Britain in the 5th Century CE. The original Roman baths were in ruins a century later. Subsequently the area around the natural springs have been redeveloped several times during the Early & late Middle Ages.
The sculptures were added much later
I can only assume that power washing would harm them.
Well preserved bits are on display.
Original foundations & Minerva
Over flow & lead pipe with rocks colored by the minerals in the water.
Not eggs but the beginning of stalagmites
The water doesn’t taste great but not bad either. Sadly I till have fibromyalgia.
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