It’s a communication tower. You can see it from the village. If fact you can see it from everywhere it seems so I asked how to get to it. Walk I was told. Fair enough. Mary Gollan is one of the owners of the Plockton Inn where I was staying and since she was running out on errands, she kindly offered to drive me to the No Trespassing – Logging sign. Apparently it is only a suggestion and she assured me I would get no grief so off I went.
Yeah, that tiny thing on top of that huge rock. A bit of a slog but I’m sure the views will make it worth while. And as you can see, I was right.

Plockton from the Mast
And the view inland was pretty special too.
The rumor that everything is uphill from where you are in Scotland, whilst sometimes appearing true, is in fact false as I was relieved to find on my walk back. Along the way I came across a great specimen of my favorite plant that I’ve seen in Scotland so far. The Great Gunnera.

Great Gunnera
Note the street sign for size. Leaves were a meter wide.
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