The day was spectacularly bright, sunny, warm and clean smelling. Since I have woken up in the most western hotel in Scotland, I’ve decided to head to the actual most westerly point, Ardnamurchan (to pronounce it do an imitation of George W Bush saying “odd ‘Meercan”). It is only a few miles to the Point and all I needed was a good breakfast, water and a walking stick. I found a good one, but the grip needed work.

Wool handled walking stick
I soon noticed clumps of wool clinging to the barb-wire fencing running along side the road. By wrapping the wool bits together, not only did I have a much more comfortable grip, the lanolin gave me very soft hands that night.
But before I could continue to the LightHouse, I had to detour to Sanna Bay. Here’s why:

Approch to Sanna Bay

Sanna Bay

Sanna Bay
Hey, good thing I have a walking stick as one never knows what lurks in the grasses.

Vipera bersus

All of Britain has one poisonous snake and I found it. My boots were made for walking so I did!

Ardnamurchan Light

From the Lighthouse

from the lighthouse
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