Right next to the NHM is the Victoria & Albert Museum.
Since had not planned to see it, I had no idea what to expect.
One room was filled with intricate religious carvings
Others with amazing statuary. And still others with casts of ancient sculptures. Such as Trajan’s Pillar which just happened to be in this month’s National Geo, so I was able to converse with the guide as if I actually new something. The original pillar is over 1900 years old and has been so eroded that without the casts, the original details would have been lost. The guide pointed out that if you looked carefully each section was cast in about 2 foot (.61 meters) square.
There were some other impressive casts too. Like everything in this room.
It was getting near closing time so I could but walk through the Asian, Japanese and Islamic art rooms. The John Madjeski Gardens behind the main hall were put to full use today.
And there were plenty of original, not cast statuary.

Theis dips Achilles in the River Styx

St. George, Dragon killer

Neptun & Triton by Bernizi
I would have liked to have seen the Alexander McQueen “Savage Beauty” show but no time.
The forecast is looking good tomorrow. So I’ll be ranging further in the city. Front desk told me they would help me understand the bus ticket schemes.
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