Churchill War Museum

January 17, 2017

At the start of WWII Prime Minister Winston Churchill had a bunker built in the basement of Whitehall that would allow the war to be managed even after severe bombings due to very thick concrete walls. This bunker was so equipped that the PM, is wife and war staff could carry on even during the […]

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Imperial War Museum – Lambeth

January 16, 2017

After St. Paul’s I headed to the IWM.  Contrary to what people may think, these museums don’t glorify war, they try to explain why they were fought, how they were fought and the results and consequences. Sure, there are impressive weapons displayed like these deck guns from WWI, but the museums are so much more. […]

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January 16, 2017

Saturday and the city was filled with tourists so “I unsheathed my bowie knife and cut a path through this wall of human flesh…dragging my canoe behind me” WC Fields to get through the thong(of which I was one).  Getting into see the Palace of Westminster, what is more commonly know as the British Parliament building […]

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St. Paul’s Cathedral

January 15, 2017

I went the Cathedral for Mattins Sunday.  If you go as a tourist it will cost over  £16 to take the tour and you are not allowed to take pictures. If you go to a service you don’t get a tour obviously and still can’t take shots but you get a much better experience.  So […]

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January 14, 2017

I jumped on the Tube and then DLR to visit this center of Time. Oddly enough there was no sign of The Doctor. First stop was the Maritime Greenwich World Heritage Site which includes the National Maritime Museum, the Royal Observatory and The Queen’s House designed and built in the 1600’s for Queen Anne of […]

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London Calling

January 12, 2017

When one travels free-form like I’m doing I need to book my trip as I plan it.  I spent hours trying to decide where to go after York.  First I looked at north Wales and then Holyhead to Dublin but the weather outlook wasn’t good.  Sheffield also seemed interesting but I decided to return to […]

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Little boys love trains. And so do big ones

January 12, 2017

York has a brilliant RR museum so I went to spend a couple hours. On the small side is  a wee driverless electric 2′ gauge (wheel base width) mail train that ran under the the city of London from 1927  to 2003 carrying up to 4 million parcels a day to various mail distribution facilities. […]

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York Minster

January 10, 2017

One of the largest Gothic Cathedrals in Europe,( width 222′, Length 524.5′, Central tower 235′,Western tower 196′, Nave height 99′, Quior height 102′) this one was first established in wood form in 627. Built over Roman ruins, it has been destroyed and rebuilt more than a couple times.   I could show a few piles […]

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Making my trip easier

January 10, 2017

30 Days in and here are some tips or thoughts I want to share in case you decide to jump the pond or any other travel for that matter. A good, light packable rain jacket is a must.  I have a Trespass.  It’s OK but I think that I should have sprung for the more […]

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Walls, Walls, Walls

January 8, 2017

I don’t believe any city in Britain has more walkable walls than York at 3.4 K/2.11m.  The original Roman walls date from 71 AD although there are few visible remains left and what are are mostly buried. This one was right across from my guest house. And this multisided one has the original Roman section […]

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