Plockton to Balloch

May 23, 2015

The train left Plockton a little after noon for Inverness. It then heads to Glasgow via Perth with a transfer at Glasgow Queen Street station to Balloch.  About 7 hours. You can’t get  much better tour of Scotland than by the train. Quieter than I expected, fast and the scenery is all one could ask […]

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5 O’Clock Gang @ Plockton Inn

May 22, 2015

Between 4 & 7 the corner of the pub is habited by a scurrilous crew and for a week I happily joined them.  The conversation is varied and the repartee is sharp.  There are few rules but they include:  Make the comment biting but in jest.  Be witty. Take your turn buying rounds. Know that […]

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Some Plockton Artistry

May 21, 2015

I’ve been meaning to find out who does the following as I so like it. I assume it’s all the same craftsman. Oddly enough ospreys are uncommon here not like the Weweantic River where seeing 8 – 10 circling, calling and diving is often the norm.

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Harbour views

May 21, 2015

After the woodland walk yesterday I decided to take some pictures of Harbour Street from the island you’ve seen in earlier posts.  At low tide (the tide here can shift as much as 6 meters I’m told) the island is accessible by foot. The boast sitting on the mud in the last photos is Martin’s […]

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Another wander

May 20, 2015

Ken had told me of a nice walk at the end of the harbor so I decided to check it out.  Oddly enough it wasn’t raining and soon warm enough to slip my jacket. But don’t worry, I had the hood up as I entered the Inn’s driveway. The walk starts through a couple of […]

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I went for a ride…

May 20, 2015

… with my friend Kenny yesterday.  He had to run to Inverness to drop something off and then pick up wood shavings and briquettes  for the cold and hot smokers. We took the road by Loch Ness (see 2003 postings for photos.)  I didn’t bother to ask Ken to stop so I could take pictures […]

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More views from Plockton

May 18, 2015

Enjoying my stay despite the weather. They say there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing and attitude.  My attitude is fine as is my gear.  If I wanted sun Arizona would have been a better choice but I wanted the UK in all it’s green glory and to get the green […]

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The Plockton Inn & Seafood Restaurant

May 17, 2015

Most of my wanderings are focused on what to do in an area when I get there and not so much on the place I’m staying. I consider the hotel/inn/guest house simply a place to grab some shut-eye, wash up and get out of the weather. Whilst I have, for the most part, been fortunate […]

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Back in Plockton -updated

May 15, 2015

I was hoping to do some of the walks around the Dunvegan Castle area but a combination of upcoming drenching forecast and the broken feeling of my body ruled out being able to stay in the area. The old “mind is younger than the body” issue.  Too bad, as the Athol House had the most […]

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The isle of N. Uist

May 14, 2015

Here on the island of Uist the ‘U’ is as the letter is called, ‘you’ whilst we landed in Uig, pronounced ‘ewe ig’. Ullapool, farther north on the coast is ‘Ah’ lallapool.  Go figure.  As I said earlier, I’m sure it is just to mess with foreigners trying to get pronunciation correctly. The shores of […]

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